Tuesday, September 29, 2009

More wonderful light

Inspired by the warm light I stopped to take pictures on the way to book club.

The Dry Fork Cemetery is very old.  It's where I wouldn't mind being laid to rest.

Hopefully not any time soon!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Autumn afternoon light

The sun sets early here in autumn and winter.  It's a beautiful fall day today but the forecast is calling for gusty winds and dropping temperatures with the possibility of snow by Wednesday or Thursday!

I'm off to book club tonight.  We're discussing Explorers of the Infinite.   Have you read it?  If you have or not, come join us for dessert and a pleasant chat about all kinds of interesting subjects.

That's my world today.  If you want to see what's happening around the rest of the world, check out My World Tuesday.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Big dog = BIG bed

Brogan likes lounging in his "crate" which had to be ordered off the internet in the JUMBO size!  He has a crib-sized mattress inside. He may be large but he's really a big baby.

Visit other living beings at Camera Critters.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Could you resist?

Oh, The Temptation from Steve V on Vimeo.

This is so adorable! I could probably resist a marshmallow but not a good piece of chocolate!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Panama Beach

This isn't my picture.  My friend Susan (who went to Yellowstone with us in June) sent this to me from her iPhone on July 31. I haven't been able to capture anything lately as dramatic as this scene so I'm stealing her thunder and posting it!

Check out beautiful skies over at Sky Watch Friday, there are so many great contributions every week.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

In a different light

Look for other silent posts here.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Paying attention...or not

One would think that a wannabe photographer would pay attention to the world around her.  I thought I did but realize now that I really don't.  Last week I walked right by a great big brand new barn and didn't notice it!  My friend, Curt, who put it up was rather incredulous and said kindly, "Loran, you need to be mindful."

I took this picture yesterday because you can see the little nest inside the birdhouse (click to enlarge).  My daughter mentioned there was a bird inside when it was nesting.  I saw it but didn't pay attention then either.  Now the little bird family is gone and I missed the whole experience.

Now I'm wondering, how much of my world is right under my nose but unobserved.  Mindfulness is a practice I could spend a little more time on.

"I gave myself to the dance, and all the while I could hear distinctly the transit of the stars, the shifting of the tides, the racing of the wind." --Haruki Murakami

What am I going to miss today?

Check out where other people are putting their attention at My World Tuesday or Macro Monday.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Gray skies and purple flowers

Check out lots of beautiful blooms at Today's Flowers.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Are you going to pimp my ride?

Skipper wants to know.

Check out Camera Critters to see what everybody else is wondering!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

This week's ever changing skies

A soft and gentle sunset

with sweetly changing pastel colors

calms my spirit.

We had a huge thunderstorm Monday night with blinding lightening bolts and ear shattering thunder.  The next morning we had thick fog just like in the northwest.

After the storm we got our prize.

Sunshine lighting up the hills with rainbow kisses.

Another storm last night was less dramatic but left everything fresh and clean this morning.

"The sky is that beautiful old parchment in which the sun and moon keep their diary."
--Alfred Kreymborg

I like to think that I'm helping the sun and moon keep their diary too.  I'm not alone.  To view other sky diaries check out Sky Watch Friday.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ely Creek Waterfall

Unlike Guy in Regina (who has a beautiful lake to take wonderful pictures of daily it seems), those of us who live in the alpine desert have to search a little harder for a water theme.  I've posted some Brown's Hole pictures in the past.  There's a fish hatchery and a lovely four mile trail down to the Green River with great fishing along the way.  If you veer off at about two miles and head up you will find a delightful little waterfall.

For an interesting variety of pictures with a water theme, check out Watery Wednesday.

Monday, September 14, 2009

It's a question of taste

The Vernal Dinosaur is ready for a BBQ!

Anyone hungry?

If not, check out My World Tuesday for non-culinary discussions!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Random pictures without random thoughts

Check out other macros shots at Lisa's Chaos for macro fun.

"Autumn is a second spring...

...when every leaf is a flower."  --  Henry David Thoreau

This looks like a little kokopelli to me, a leafy petroglyph.

It's cooling down but still warm during the day.  The nights are cooler.  Still only a hint of the season to come.

If you like flower pictures, check out Today's Flowers.  Somewhere else in the world it's spring!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Pasture llamas in the early morning light

Llamas are guard animals and emit a warning call that is really hard to describe.  There's not really anything to compare it to....  Domino is checking out Skipper to make sure he's not a predator.
Apparently Spud doesn't care one way or the other.

We have taken the llamas backpacking into the wilderness but not this summer.  I doubt they mind.  They seem pretty happy to be pasture llamas.

You can check out other interesting living beings at Camera Critters.

Friday, September 11, 2009


On September 5, I received this email from my friend Tom who is playing guitar below:

Ann’s Falcon
 18 "There are three things that are too amazing for me,
       four that I do not understand:

 19 the way of an eagle in the sky,
       the way of a snake on a rock,
       the way of a ship on the high seas,
       and the way of a man with a maiden.

Proverbs 30;  18-19

Tomorrow, at 3:30, some of Ann’s loved ones will gather at Remember the Maine Park, a county park just outside of Vernal, kept up by the local Lions Club.  The park is at the base of a tremendous sandstone cliff, I’m guessing about 400 feet almost straight up.  On the cliff are two painted inscriptions next to a giant painted American flag.  The inscriptions exhort passersby to “Remember the Maine” and “Remember Pearl Harbor”.  Decades ago, painters dangled precariously from ropes, hundreds of feet up, to create them. The cliff is a beautiful tan, burnt to a rust red in some places, and streaked with dark brown “tiger stripes”.  It will serve, to me anyway, as a giant memorial stone for Ann. 
In the grassy park below it, I will open a little cage, and a young male kestrel (“sparrow hawk”) will fly away.
I don’t want to reach too far for an over-hyped metaphor.  I don’t want to be glib about Annie’s life or death.  It may be true that when our loved ones die, that they experience a release and a freedom that is very like the flight of a hawk.  Some of us may take comfort in the thought that Ann is watching us, like a falcon hovering high in the sky.  But I don’t honestly know where Ann is or what she experiences anymore, and I am not going to speculate.  I assume she is with God, and that would be indescribable by definition. 
But I think that the love that these people have for Annie has bound us together, and this last ritual will help us remember.  Every time I drive by Remember the Maine, I expect I’ll think of her.  When I see a falcon in flight, perhaps it will remind me of her.  And in thinking of her, maybe I will attempt again to be more compassionate and loving towards those of us left behind by her death. I will try to remember her cheeriness, and what it was like to be hugged by her.  As well as the times she became angry with me, and in fact all the parts of the complex person she was.  I don’t want her to become a little tin angel in my memories;  I want to remember her as the real woman she was in life, with all that includes.
I do think that she would approve of us remembering her and honoring her with this event.  One of her deepest convictions was that we humans had an obligation to care for our non-human kinfolk, as God’s creatures worthy of dignity and love.  This little falcon was injured, and rather than write it off, and just euthanize it, Denise has helped it to heal, so we can return it to wild freedom.  We are intervening in the life of this little creature, on its behalf, as Ann and the UROMP “dog people” did when they have attempted to rescue cats and dogs from pain and death.  By doing this, we are showing a compassion that is quite beyond this little bird’s ability to comprehend.  That’s how I see it, anyway.
Aldo Leopold wrote a little treatise called “On a Monument to the Pigeon”, a chapter in the book A Sand County Almanac.  It was about the extinct passenger pigeon, and people’s regret at the death of a whole species.  He wrote, “To love what was is a new thing under the sun, unknown to most people and to all pigeons. … In this fact…lies objective evidence of our superiority over the beasts.”  In a similar way, we love what was, when we remember Ann’s sojourn on Earth.
A kestrel is a good animal to compare to Ann.  Like her, they are diminutive but powerful little beasts, dapper, tidy, fast, self-confident.  Fierce when it is called for.  I could carry the analogy too far, but I can’t think of a better bird to represent her. I will send it forth with my blessing on it’s little feathered head.  May it find a mate, and raise up many fledglings to carry on its line.  And though I will not confuse the bird with the woman, I am sure that I will never look at kestrels the same way after tomorrow.    

The kestrel in its cage before the release.

Tom shared a few more thoughts with us before the release:

I was introduced to the kestrel a few days ago. Denise put me in the mew, and this little bird flew back and forth past my head.  I tried not to flinch.  Obviously, he was not enjoying the experience.  I know that my friend Denise was doing this on the theory that it was doing me (or the kestrel) some kind of spiritual good, and perhaps it did. 
Denise said (and I hope she doesn’t mind repeating) that the kestrel had no given name.  She didn’t know this bird very well, but that was okay, because she felt she didn’t know Annie that well.  I told her, and repeat for all of you, that I think that was the experience of most of Ann’s friends.  People were instinctively attracted to her, liked or loved her immensely, and noted again and again how much attention, respect, and compassion she gave them.  She was intensely interested in the lives of others, yet she did not reveal that much about herself.  Only a few people were notably successful at finding out that much about the “inner Ann”.  So don’t let a feeling like that bother you.  I am quite sure that she loved you all.
I came up here last night to think, and watched a lone bat that was fluttering in the twilight, nailing insects on the wing. I looked at the “Remember the Maine”, and “Pearl Harbor”, and thought about how for me, the cliff will also remind me to “Remember Annie”.  I returned again with Mark this morning.  I noticed a group of vultures soaring past the American flag.  Soon, there was an impressive kettle of vultures, maybe 15 or more;  I suspect they have a night-time colonial roost in the canyons south of here.  Mark heard, then spotted, a golden eagle crying from the Witbeck pastures.  Violet-green swallows (or is it white-throated swifts?) rocket around the cliffs at warp speed.  If you walk the trails that lead into the riparian woods over there, you find lots of plants, lots of insects and birds, lots of life.  It is a beautiful place to remember someone.  Someone suggested that a memorial stone at one of the Vernal cemeteries would give Ann’s friends a place to visit, if they wished to think about her. 
Well, I am designating the cliff at Remember the Maine as the official Ann Schaffer Elder Memorial Stone. The Board of Geographic Names can take it up with me personally, if they don’t like it.  I know that many of us will pause to remember a great woman when we pass it.  Just to be clear, I know that this little bird is not Ann, though we release him in Ann’s honor.  And I don’t think her spirit will be here anymore than it is at my home, or your home, or in the Andromeda Galaxy. Ann is everywhere and nowhere to me now.  I trust that she is with God, and is not only at peace, but is well and happy.  We hope to stand in her presence again.
And now, little bird, though I my patriarchal blessing is a little rusty, I trust it will penetrate the pet carrier you are in.  May you live long and prosper.  Fly off and find your mate, raise up many fledglings, and may your descendents dominate Dry Fork Canyon for many generations.  And may you find a warrior’s death in defending against a great horned owl.”
The cat carrier had to be almost upended before the little falcon would come out.  He flew in a widening circle, forcing some of us to walk completely around the pavilion to keep him in view.  He landed on a cottonwood at the edge of the park.  Later on, he flew quickly upward, ascending to a ledge on the lower face of the cliff.  That was the last we saw of him.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sandstone Skies

Lovely blue sky from the McConkie Ranch Petroglyph Trail.

Visit Sky Watch Friday to see many shades of blue from around the world.